Summer Trailer Storage
All boat trailers left on site will incur a $150 summer storage fee if not picked up within 2 weeks of your boat being launched.
Lanes End, Inc. (not LE Marine Service) is a registered on-line boat agent and can register your boat, with or without a renewal letter from the State.
If you would like your decals placed on your boat prior to receiving the boat, please sign the State renewal notice in two places and mail it to:
Lanes End, Inc.
PO Box 160
Melvin Village NH 03850
DO NOT send any money with document.
Without State renewal paperwork, please come to the Business Office with your current driver’s license and we can register your boat and give you the registration and decals on the spot with your payment. We accept only cash or check for registrations. Sorry, no credit cards.
The Business Office is open Monday—Friday closed Wednesdays and Sundays and is located at the end of Lanes End Road; turn right at the fork in the road. Our front door is located in the middle of the building.