Paying for Storage and Services
1. By check: Electronic bank payment (Bill Pay) from your bank's website (usually a free service), or mail a personal check made payable to
Lanes End Marine Service (or, LE Marine Service)
PO Box 14
Melvin Village NH 03850
Please reference your first & last name if not sending a personal check!
Any checks not payable to Lanes End Marine Service or to LE Marine Service cannot be accepted and will be returned.
2. In person: If coming by with a check, credit card or cash, please come to the Business Office near the beach at 21 Lanes End Road off Highway 109 in Melvin Village. If arriving outside of business hours, please drop into the black Lock Box located next to the business office door.​ We are open Monday through Saturday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
3. By credit card: We accept Visa, MasterCard or Discover by stopping by or calling us at 603-544-2000. There may be an additional 3% fee for charges over $3000.