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Storage Rate is $62 per linear foot*

2024-2025 Season 

Winter Boat Storage Program:

One haul-out from Lanes End Marina for inside storage from September 1 to August 31, one spring launch at Lanes End docks; winterization and de-winterization of one engine; propeller inspection, spring service for one battery, lake test, and inside storage after fall services have been performed until time of spring servicing. Change of gear oil required, but not included in rate.


Storage length is based on complete length of boat from bow to stern upon arrival at Lanes End Marine Service. This includes engine and any extensions and may differ from manufacturer’s stated length. All boats that exceed 8'6" width, or the height exceeds 8' will be subject to a surcharge. See below under "Charges...".

Jet Ski Winter Storage Program

Haul-out from Lanes End's docks (if needed), winterization, inside storage from September 1 to August 31, de-winterization, spring battery service, courtesy cleaning, spring launch (if needed) at Lanes End's Docks. 

  • Single PWC dropped off on trailer or delivered to Lanes End Docks,  $650

  • Two PWC stored on tandem trailer, $1100.

Storage Space is reserved in the order we receive

both Agreement & Deposit. 

Storage is guaranteed inside one of our fully enclosed storage sheds if
your Winter Storage Agreement AND Non-Refundable $300 Deposit and REACHES Lanes End by September 7, 2024

AFTER you submit this form, a copy of your Agreement is automatically emailed to you, with a copy of our Terms of Agreement & Service Rates attached.

To ensure you receive this email and our invoices, please add to your contacts.

Possible Additional Charges
Charges That May Be Incurred with Storage


  • Propeller Reconditioning or Replacement, if damaged. Safely working propellers are required.

  • Gear Oil changed for Inboard/Outboard and Outboard engines. (Not jet skis, jet boats or inboard engines.)

  • Wash Bottom and Sides, IF waxing is requested. Wash will be invoiced in Fall and Wax is invoiced in Spring.

  • Battery replacement, if battery is more than 3 years old.


Extra Charges for Height or Width: Boats that exceed 8'6" width are subject to a width surcharge of $100. Boats that exceed 8' in height will incur a $100 surcharge. 


Boat Length Measurement includes length of any extensions beyond the body of the boat and may differ from manufacturer’s stated length. Storage length is based on complete length of boat (length overall) from bow to stern upon arrival at Lanes End Marine Service.

What Questions are on the Storage Agreement Form?

In short, what maintenance and/or repairs do you want, any issues you want resolved, and the make of your boat so we can identify it among your watercraft.


  • The name of the manufacturer of your boat (i.e., "Four Winns", or "Cobalt"), OR model so that we can verify we are making plans for the correct boat.

  • How is your boat/jet ski arriving at our facilities--trailer or no trailer? This helps us prepare for your trailer or to bring ours if we are hauling it out of the water from your dock. Or, if are we driving our boat to your dock.

  • A date you would you like to begin storing your boat. This can be changed at any time by email or phone call to us. 

  • Do you want your boat washed? Waxed? We want to know by the time we receive your boat. If you want it waxed, we will wash it before storing. We generally wax boats over the winter, so please let us know by the time the boat arrives at Lanes End Marine.

  • Do you have a freshwater system onboard? You do, if you have a toilet, sink, live well, or ballasts that require water. If so, do you want them winterized and then de-winterized? You can also choose to keep it in its winterized state if you do not use them. There is a place on the form to indicate exactly how you want it handled.

  • Tell us about problems or concerns with your boat this summer, and our experienced technicians can diagnose and repair. Report any odd noises, or difficult operating conditions you experienced so we can look into it.

  • Not sure what your engine needs? We will research the boat's Lanes End service history and make recommendations based on Tim's expertise on boat engines. If you would like us to call or email you with our recommendations before doing them, check "Contact me with Recommended Maintenance". 

  • Recommendations will include what your engine type requires for best performance. Common recommendations are changing the Engine Oil & Filter every year. For Inboard engines, change Transmission Fluid every two years. For most engine types, we recommend a Tune-Up every other year, and doing Water Pump service on alternating years from the Tune-up. These are the more expensive of regular maintenance services, and that will spread that cost over more than one year.


Payment Options

Invoices from Lanes End
Marine Service

​Our detailed invoices will arrive by email to you as work is completed. The balance of your storage fee is on the first invoice  you receive in the Fall. Your deposit will show as deducted from the total. 


Invoices are due within 30 days of receiving the bill. Finance charges of 2% per month at the end of the calendar month after 30 days unpaid.


As a storage customer of Lanes End Marine, we value your time and information and do NOT sell any information to anyone for any reason. We do not email sales opportunities or newsletters. We will send announcements about dates for signing up for storage and launch dates. We will also send out a few reminders about those dates, so you don't miss them.

Storing your Boat at Lanes End Marine Service & Storage

Retrieval from Storage

How to Retrieve my Boat or Jet Ski from Storage: In March, go to our website and complete our Spring Launch Card online. By this, you will request an appointment and how you want to get your boat. Please have up to three dates in mind, as we ask for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice dates. Appointments are made in the order we receive them, and the month of May fills very quickly once we release the Launch Card for completion, especially Friday and Saturday appointments.


What is the Storage Removal Process: Launch appointments are placed in the order we receive them. We can “launch” up to six boats each day, six days per week. On the “Launch Date” it will be pulled from storage and serviced based on needs and requests. We do not do general service on boats over the winter.


Detailing is not currently done by Lanes End Marine technicians, but we can work with a marine detailer of your choice, or we can recommend some. We do a cursory interior clean for free, and you can request exterior wash and wax at a per foot price. See Rate Sheet for pricing.


Progress Reports on Service: Since we only perform the most complex or lengthy work over the winter, we will not have anything to report on most boat’s service. Maintenance work is generally done on the Launch Date and is not even started before we receive your Launch Card.


Winter Storage rate covers one year, from September 1 to August 31. Vessels that do not go out in summer will not incur additional charges.  However, once your boat leaves storage, it is subject to new storage rates and contract. Arriving for storage prior to September 1st may result in a Day Storage fee, which is calculated per day. 


Shrink Wrapping Boats is not done on boats that are stored at Lanes End Marine Service. However, we can arrange it for you at our location if you are storing your boat yourself. This is an Off-Road service only. We do not store boats in shrink wrap.


Outside Boat or Jet Ski Storage is not offered currently at Lanes End Marine Service.


Advantages to Inside Storage:

  • Boats are stored in one of several large boat storage sheds.

  • Protection from the elements.

  • Prevents snow and moisture collecting in the hidden areas of your boat.

  • Protection from heavy snow or ice crushing the boat's protective cover. 

Prevents possible internal boat damage.


We bet you can't find a better place or better pricing on

inside winter storage.

Hours of Operation

Spring & Summer Hours 


April to October

Monday - Saturday

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Closed: Sundays


Mailing Address:

PO Box 14

Melvin Village, NH 03850

Hours of Operation

Winter Hours 


November to March

Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Closed: Saturdays & Sundays

Located at 7 Lanes End Road in Melvin Village New Hampshire


We Accept Discover, Visa and MasterCard

©2023 by Lanes End Marine Service and Storage, LLC. Proudly created with

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